1. dogs
2. cute guys with cute glasses
3. the center of my compost heap
4. toasted marshmallows
5. forearms
6. beards
7. drag queens that work at the karaoke bar around the corner from my apartment
8. hell
9. sexy time
10. pink
11. fire
12. 5 o’clock shadows
13. chuck bass + blair waldorf
14. digging five years’ worth of sediment out of my gutters
15. eco-talk
16. i always burn the roof of my mouth with pizza
17. texas in the summer
18. attics
19. hot toddies
20. tea
21. vanilla latte
22. mexico in the summer
23. jalapenos
24. hot, hot, hot (the song)
25. panang curry
26. tiger
27. lava!
28. tom from tom’s shoes (the commercial makes me swoon)
29. august
30. the best way to feel just before your body hits the cool lake water
31. the stove
32. spicy food
33. sun
34. indian soup (mulligatawney)
35. sand on your bare feet in the summer
36. the first sunburn of the season
37. being comfortable in your own skin
38. a tin roof
39. st. louis
40. maggie drinking a bottle of wine by herself at the bar
41. korean bbq
42. running across gravel with barefeet in july/aug
43. boiling pasta water
44. pavement in summer
45. you
46. steering wheels in the dead of summer
47. the sun
48. being burnt
49. gold accessories
50. hot towels in japanese restaurants/planes
51. jalapeno peppers
52. sex
53. boyfriends who cook dinner and do dishes and laundry
54. summer
55. sizzling cinnamon jelly bellies
56. richard gere
57. jamie’s friends and bridesmaids dancin’ at da club
58. hot mama
59. like a hot tub (huh!)
60. stove
61. salsa
62. tofu tomato rice soup
63. bedhead
64. my man
65. a woodstove
66. johnny depp
list by: ashley, emily, gillian, hanna, jamie, jeff, maggie, maura and mom
photo by maggie